"Marker", Permanent installation at The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan.

"Life of the Valley", ceramic mural, 11 ft x 21 ft. Corcoran Train Depot, 2000. 


Bronze, 84” x 36” x 28”, 2017. Collection of Valley Public Radio, Clovis, California.

Homage to Yosemite
Fired stoneware, 7’-4” x 5’ x 2’-7", 2017. The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan.

Fired stoneware, 70" h, 2013. The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan.

Life Of The Valley
Ceramic mural, 11’ x 21’, 2000.  Corcoran Train Depot, Corcoran, California.